
"His Book" My Life with Jesus
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-868-1
Edition: Paperback, 362 Pages
Publication Date: March 12, 2024
“His Book” My Life with Jesus, is a series of messages I received from 2009-2014 in front of the Exposed Presence of Jesus in Adoration, which illuminates the great falling away from Christ that is taking place today. The message of the world stands united against truth and morality. The lie causes struggles within us, which results in a search for false remedies.

A theme of redemptive suffering appears throughout, and this ideal is brought forth in practical ways by showing how to offer small acts of suffering to God in everyday circumstances; teaching how we can offer the sufferings in reparation for our own sins and for others who are far away from knowing God’s Love in their lives.

The messages help us understand that we are born for these times of tribulation, and we are not alone.

“His Book” My Life with Jesus, is uniquely powerful when read in the Exposed Presence of Jesus in Adoration.

We are all called to become Great Saints for God, and He wants us to bring many others to the reality that they too are called to this noble purpose.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven. Matthew 6:10
Tried and Proven Part II <BR>By: Ms. Eunice
Price: $12.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-866-7
Edition: Paperback, 205 Pages
Publication Date: March 3, 2024
Seems like in all my books I’m trying to convince people to get right R get left and not to many people is taking me serious. So since many of God’s prophecies have came to pass maybe people will wake up and seek God’s face before it’s everlasting too late. If U think just maybe your sins R to great for forgiveness then U need to read this book.
Digging Ditches <BR>By: Dr. C. Randy White
Price: $12.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-865-0
Edition: Paperback, 178 Pages
Publication Date: January 8, 2024
What in the earth does Digging Ditches have to say or do with me as a 21st century Christian? Perhaps little and then perhaps a lot. Let’s take a moment and examine how the Christian should come to the Word of God on a daily basis.

First, he should dig into the Word. Digging requires some effort and energy. For you and me to uncover the riches of the Word of God we must dig into it. This indeed requires time, dedication, and determination. Digging implies going beneath the surface.

Second, he should digest the Word. The Christian should desire to get in the Word and get the Word in him. This is often called mediating upon the Word or letting it soak in the mind and heart.

Third, he should dissect the Word. He should take the Word apart. What do the words mean in their context.

Fourth, he should declare the Word. He should be clear. If he digs, dissects, and digests the Word he will not only be clear, but will also have the conviction of the Spirit to declare the message of the Word.
Devotions for the Chiropractic Soul <BR>By: Thomas Outler Morgan, D. C.
Price: $20.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-863-6
Edition: Paperback, 376 Pages
Publication Date: December 11, 2023
This legendary chiropractic couple worked side by side for over thirty years in practice. Together they have three children who are chiropractors and in their own practices. Dr. Morgan has written six books on chiropractic. This book reflects his Christian background and his daily bible devotions. At present they are in the process of encouraging their seven grandchildren to become chiropractors.
The Road to the Holy One <bR>By: David Lloyd Briscoe, Ph.D., D.H.L.
Price: $16.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-864-3
Edition: Paperback, 273 Pages
Publication Date: December 1, 2023
The Road to the Holy One is a work that provides broad ideas and perspectives on life and the connection to God as revealed through the author’s lens of Christian theology. The contents of the book touch on various aspects of sociological, psychological, theological, philosophical, and epistemology frameworks. This work is most beneficial to those who can identify with its pages, and who are without a doubt on the road to the Holy One.
Her Name Is Wisdom <bR>By: Sylvia Huffnagle
Price: $14.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-857-5
Edition: Paperback, 220 Pages
Publication Date: June 22, 2023
Sylvia shares what she learned about God’s Wisdom, about what’s going on in the battle of worldly wisdom and human love vs. godly wisdom and God’s love. She backs up her understanding with many scripture texts.
Tried and Proven <bR>By: Ms. Eunice
Price: $16.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-852-0
Edition: Paperback, 296 Pages
Publication Date: April 4, 2023
Who can truly say they R ready if God came back today? Who can truly cast the first stone at others with no remorse if God asked U about the way you’ve been living your life? Would U tell the Lord the mate that U gave me R the devil made me do it? U need to think about the questions I’ve asked because God is a soon coming King and if you’re not right you’re gonna get left! Some people R saying that a lot of things have to happen before God returns but to those that think this way also remember where it’s written in the Bible that God will cut days short and the main thing is to B ready. This book will show U that no one is perfect, He will accept anyone. We all have sinned and fallen short but we get up. What U must do is repent of your sins and accept God as your Lord and Savior. Welcome to the family!
Meditation on the Ten Commandments <bR>By: Milad Zekry Philipos, Ph.D.
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-840-7
Edition: Paperback, 69 Pages
Publication Date: July 14, 2022
This book is targeting all generations for use in studying, teaching and applying the Ten Commandments spiritually and morally. In this book the Ten Commandments become living entities to help a teacher present lessons from life as well as appropriate anecdotes. It is easy to use, understand and benefit from.
The Half Has Never Been Told <BR>By: Dr. C. Randy White
Price: $12.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-836-0
Edition: Paperback, 215 Pages
Publication Date: April 20, 2022
The Half Has Never Been Told is not a thematic book, rather it is a series of messages which deal with the thought of calling the Christian to a deeper more meaningful relationship to and with the Person of Jesus. It seeks to place our attention, and affection, upon the Person of Jesus in worship, and to behold Him as the one and only sacrifice for our sin as He paid the full price for our redemption. It further calls us to sit at His feet and simply observe how awesome He really is, and how what He did then physically He continues to do as He ministers to our hearts today.

Truly the half has never been told, however those who are called to share His Word are challenged to share the glorious, good news of the gospel. The entire story will never be told, but we are to tell what has been entrusted to us.
A Tribulation Timeline <BR>By: Jim Watson
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-830-8
Edition: Paperback, 103 Pages
Publication Date: January 20, 2022
An Extrapolated Hypothesis for the Coming Time of Trouble According to the Books of Daniel, Revelation and Related Scripture

It has been correctly taught God is good. Rarely adjured is God has an angry side, proven by over two hundred Old Testament references. Not everyone will believe what Jesus Christ has accomplished on the cross, so Almighty God has set aside a seven-year period of time to satisfy His wrath against sin and the rejection of His Son as the exclusive source for pardon: the Tribulation.

As supplementary to a previous study, “The Wrath of God”, author Jim Watson has assembled a plausible scenario of how the coming Tribulation might unfold. The latter portion of this study researches the Scriptural reasons for God’s anger and how it will cause the death of most of the world’s population just before the return of Christ.