
Waking Up Tomorrow’s Leaders Today <bR>The Complete Guide to Leadership <bR>By: Ronnie J. Guest Jr.
Price: $25.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-817-9
Edition: Hardcover, 213
Publication Date: July 2, 2021
Waking Up Tomorrow’s Leaders Today “The Complete Guide to Leadership” is a must-read for organizations that want to prepare leaders of tomorrow today. Waking Up Tomorrow’s Leaders Today provides a much-needed road map, as we navigate into the unknown and prepare the leaders of tomorrow, “Today”. Throughout both my professional and personal life, I have had the privilege of working with many diverse populations and understanding while navigating leadership from a global perspective. Leadership is not only playing a critical role in our country, but more so it is vital to have the necessary competent leadership at the helm at all levels. As leaders, we are responsible for “Waking Up Tomorrow’s Leaders Today”.
My Granny My Leader <bR>Blessed and Highly Favored <br>By: R.J. Guest Jr.
Price: $9.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-400-3
Edition: Paperback, 67 Pages
Publication Date: May 9, 2012
This book is geared toward professional growth or means to enhance leadership skills from home to the professional organization. The following core skills sets are referenced: Customer Service, Leadership Characteristics, Motivation and what motivates you, getting our youth motivated, and youth networking for excellence to address and eradicate bullying, and educating yourself for a future. Finally, it talks about your individual motivator or inspirational leader and what skills sets you demonstrate based on that person(s) teaching or views. This is an easy read and is dedicated to my grandmother for her great leadership in my life. In addition, this book, if you allow it, can assist you in dealing with change.