A Persian Promise
Memoir of a Proud American
By: Hossein Sakhai
Edited By: Buck Rish

A Persian Promise <br>Memoir of a Proud American <br>By: Hossein Sakhai <br>Edited By: Buck Rish
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $24.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-621-2
    Edition: Hardcover, 130 Pages
    Publication Date: November 6, 2015
    A Persian Promise is the memoir of Dr. Hossein Sakhai, a highly successful neurosurgeon from Huntington, West Virginia.

    At the age of 15, Hossein was greatly motivated by the untimely death of his older brother from typhoid fever. Vowing to improve life for his fellowman and his community, he set for himself the most lofty goal he could conceive. With determination, persistence, intelligence, and a supercharged worth ethic, he satisfied his Persian promise as he became not only an accomplished neurosurgeon but a very successful business entrepreneur.

    Despite Dr. Sakhai’s professional success, he was continuously challenged by the culture clash between his Iranian Islamic heritage and his family life in America. After four unsuccessful marriages and many stressful family trials, Hossein, at the age of 85, views his life with clarity and wisdom and pens this memoir for the benefit of his children and their progeny.