Who Owns The Mountain
By: A J Poplaski

Who Owns The Mountain <BR>By: A J Poplaski
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $8.95

    ISBN: 978-1-59824-801-2
    Edition: Paperback, 75 Pages
    Publication Date: March 31, 2008
    A young couple, Kate and Luke, bought a mountain and logged it with Haflinger horses to develop into a beautiful farm on top of the mountain. Just when it seemed that all of their dreams were coming true, Kate and Luke are killed in an airplane crash.

          Lisa is their oldest daughter.
          Suzy is a sweetheart.
          Aunt Anna is a great helper.
          Amy loves her toys.
          Peter is one bad boy.
          Jacob is just as bad.
          AJ is just trying to live a good life.

    Who is going to own the mountain? Will it be AJ; or Lisa’s half brother; or will the lesbians own the mountain?