A Matter Of Interest
By: William F. Hixson

A Matter Of Interest <BR>By: William F. Hixson
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $17.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-037-4
    Edition: Paperback, 304 Pages
    Publication Date: June 30, 2005

    Reexamining Money, Debt, and Real Economic Growth

    William Hixson’s A Matter of Interest is a good example of the important contribution that an independent scholar can make to a subject where the professionals have become dependent on an orthodoxy which has been highly insensitive to criticism. Hixson’s position is that the dynamics of debt creates a strong tendency for an increasing burden on a society which looks as if it can only be corrected by occasional catastrophe. There is much historical evidence to support this thesis. It represents an important tradition in economics, going back to Henry Simons and to Irving Fisher, which has been strangely neglected by the profession. Professional economists will find some things in this book with which they will disagree, but the general thesis presents a very important challenge to them, and this is a work that should be taken very seriously.
                                                                  Kenneth E. Boulding
                                                                  Distinguished Professor of Economics
                                                                  University of Colorado at Boulder

    In A Matter of Interest William Hixson presents a very interesting analysis of our economic systems. Hixson’s analysis is highly original, well written, and comprehensible even for readers not well versed in economics. His frequent references to the great thinkers in economics give the argument a lot of depth.
                                                                  Robert Guttmann
                                                                  Professor of Economics
                                                                  Hofstra University
                                                                  Hempstead, NY