Healthcare Management: Are Social Skills the Answer?
By: Dr. Abiodun Raimi

Healthcare Management: Are Social Skills the Answer? <BR>By: Dr. Abiodun Raimi
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $10.95

    ISBN: 978-1-59824-571-4
    Edition: Paperback, 133 Pages
    Publication Date: November 5, 2007
    Management and the 3C Concept

    The book is used to narrate some simple ways that you as a manager can begin to have a solid and perfect relationship with your staff. The book explains major roles and functions of CEO, CNO, VPMA and the Board Chairman. The book also discusses the 3C concepts of employee satisfaction. Comfort plus Caring working environment often times produce a Confident employee. Coaching and moral leadership are other topics addressed. Some personal management experiences of the author are discussed in the book. The book also provides some of the most effective methods that a healthcare manager can use to retain and recruit employees to his or her department. Overall, this book will be a useful handbook for new and seasoned managers or those that are looking for solutions for a better retention tool.