How I Saved Someone's Life and Marriage and Family Problems Thru Communication
By: Derek Medina

How I Saved Someone's Life and Marriage and Family Problems Thru Communication <BR>By: Derek Medina
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $19.99

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-467-6
    Edition: Paperback, 41 Pages
    Publication Date: February 6, 2013
    The author discusses how James and his family saved Grandma Maria’s life thru communication and how he saved his marriage after getting divorced and remarried to the same person. The author describes how James found peace and made peace after three years with his parents and changed his whole world around. The author tells how James’ actions resulted from effective communication. The author provides marriage counseling tips and emphasizes the importance of communication with family members. The author discusses how life is surrounded by communication and how vitally important it is - you can’t survive the world without it.

    This book is a great book to learn how to make your marriage and relationship with others better by understanding the meaning of life and the purpose of living and being there for loved ones. The central point is how communication made James’ world turn around into a world better than he ever expected. The author talks about the true meaning of love, marriage, peace and happiness.

    The author also helps the reader understand our purpose in life and our purpose of living in this world. The author tells a story, but after the story he starts to discuss marriage, family failures, and gives solutions and helpful steps and tips on how to make your relationships better. This book is not just a story, it’s also about methods and ways to make your marriage a happier marriage and improve your relationship with loved ones. The author also discusses the importance of communication in many aspects of society.