Triumph Of The Bankers
By: William F. Hixson

Triumph Of The Bankers <bR>By: William F. Hixson
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $16.95

    ISBN: 1-932701-91-5
    Edition: Paperback, 209 Pages
    Publication Date: February 28, 2005
    Money and Banking in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

    “...the government could have been debt free long before 1914, could have saved billions of dollars in interest, and could have had billions remaining for public improvements or for reductions in taxes. But the bankers triumphed over common sense and the public interest: banks created money apace, and the government created none. A more inane and shameful abnegation of government power is hardly imaginable.”
                                                                  William F. Hixson

    This book discusses crucial monetary events in Colonial America, the United States, and Great Britain over the period 1690 to 1914. It explains some general characteristics of money and its function, the impracticality and undesirability of a gold or silver standard, and how a change in the quantity of money affects the total output of an economy and the level of prices of goods and services. It argues that by 1914 bankers had virtually complete control of the money-creation process and that this was largely the cause of the cataclysm of 1929 and the ensuing years. It contends that the system is still in effect.
                                                                  Journal of Economic Literature
                                                                  Vol.32, No. 1, March 1994

    Anyone who seeks to understand “the preposterous financial system” which evolved after 1690 cannot do better than to start here. Hixson interweaves economic history with evaluations of theories of the leading economists starting with Adam Smith... The chapters on the financing of the American Revolution and the Civil War are particularly fascinating.
                                                                  Dr. John H. Hotson
                                                                  Department of Economics
                                                                  University of Waterloo,