Rising Above Life's Obstacles
By: Sharon A. Langevin

Rising Above Life's Obstacles <br>By: Sharon A. Langevin
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $10.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-330-6
    Edition: Paperback, 109 Pages
    Publication Date: August 18, 2006
    Getting to Your God-Given Destiny in One Piece!

    So many things in this world can keep you from getting to your God-given destiny. Whether they are circumstances beyond your control or situations that arise because of poor choices made, obstacles are going to exist. But you can rise above them to get to your destiny. This book covers many situations and circumstances that will try to hinder you from living the life God designed especially for you. As you read this book and turn to God’s Word and find out what He has to say about these obstacles, you will get some clear insight on how to rise above them so you can reach your God-given destiny in one piece!