Tainted Pleasures
You Are the Consequence of Your Decisions
By: Mystique TheWriter

Tainted Pleasures <bR>You Are the Consequence of Your Decisions <bR>By: Mystique TheWriter
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $29.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-387-7
    Edition: Hardcover, 129 Pages
    Publication Date: April 17, 2012
    Other Editions: Paperback
    Chanel Williams is a God fearing southern red-bone from Little Rock, Ark. She understands that walking the good fight of faith has its price. Once bad luck with men and inner personal emotions conflict she loses her faith in God. When her appetite for romance feeds her frustration, those feelings turn to mistakes and her mistakes result in chaotic drama that jeopardizes the livelihood of her closest loved ones. When Chanel’s passion, jealousy, and trust blow a fuse, it results in disaster. That tragedy ruins Chanel’s hope in men, and excludes them in her world.

    Shimon, a sexy hot Nigerian prospect, walks into her imperfect world. Something magical inside her lights up. Dismissing her acquaintance with Shimon as nothing more than “Hi and Bye” she continues with living her life. After some time, she realizes Shimon was more than a social diversion. In desperate need of innovation and change, Shimon’s there like a “knight in shining armor.” But, does he have the charisma to turn Chanel back to the loving woman she once was?

    “Is love real, or made up stories in fairytale books?” Chanel wonders. In her quest for love, will Chanel find answers to questions she has long asked herself? Will Shimon have the answers or add to her long list of problems?

    With God one step ahead of this race, she’ll soon realize that through her faith the answer she seeks was there all along.