Whip Your Golf Swing Into Shape with Hogan's Last and Best Secret - The Whip Grip
By: Bill Crews

Whip Your Golf Swing Into Shape with Hogan's Last and Best Secret - The Whip Grip <BR>By: Bill Crews
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $19.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-132-3
    Edition: Paperback, 65 Pages
    Publication Date: February 9, 2010
    Ben Hogan’s legendary secret finally comes to light, literally making it a whole new ball game. This Whip grip (coupled with a change in the stance) is designed to give the rest of us the flexibility that has been missing from the Vardon technique since the days of the hickory shaft. Named after the first man-made object to break the sound barrier – the Bullwhip – it enhances the four variables to the physics formula for distance: more length, width, launch angle and clubhead speed.

    The senior golfer will find it a veritable fountain of youth; supplying extra distance, while massively reducing joint and muscle stress with an astounding additional THREE FEET OF TAKEAWAY ON THE DRAWBACK. For the pro, it prevents the small muscles in the hands from creating havoc under the pressure of the TV cameras. For the novice, it’s a fast track method of improvement to the intermediate and advanced levels. And, for the non-golfer, it provides a method of hearing the glorious wail of the bagpipes for the very first time.