Christian Living

The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth, So Help Me GOD <BR>By: Donald James Quinney
Price: $19.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-469-0
Edition: Paperback, 66 Pages
Publication Date: February 15, 2013
The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth, So Help Me GOD will open up your eyes to see what is going on in this world at this time in our lives. There are a lot of events taking place in this world that need to be addressed and this book discusses many different topics. We must as parents, children, and elderly, change the ways of the world in which we live and teach the way of the truth. This book discusses vitally important issues in plain language which may be upsetting to some... but by the end you will know the only truth in this world is the Word of God.
Christian in the Workplace <BR>By: Minister Minnie Harley
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-282-5
Edition: Paperback, 76 Pages
Publication Date: April 22, 2011
Christian in the Workplace is a biblical look at why and how we as Christians are to portray our loyalty and faith in Christ by our actions and behavior in the workplace. We are in the world, but we must not act like the world. Our standards as Christian workers have been set by God and when we follow His teaching we will bring a sweet aroma to the workplace. Our actions should never cause discord, no matter what the circumstances may be. Since we work for the Lord first, we are to send a clear message in the workplace by showing our co-workers God’s way of doing things.
It Is Good For Me That I Have Been Afflicted <BR>By: Pastor Alfie Harry
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-269-6
Edition: Paperback, 255 Pages
Publication Date: March 14, 2011
This book provides a transparent look on how to be set free from struggles that the body of Christ tends to shy away from. The struggles of low self esteem, word curses, fighting against jealousy, are some of the topics discussed in this book that needs clear cut and real answers on how to come out once and for all. You will find step by step advice on how to gain victory and recover from what has been stolen from you. Regaining your Christ mind you find out why you are a threat to the enemy. Be ready to get shaken and revived and empowered by the transparency of Pastor Harry as she reveals her personal struggles in areas she has fought and gained victory in. She has been called of God to be a catalyst for others to excel in the power of God. By exposing the lies of the deceiver, with the Word she provides practical steps on how to recognize the enemy and be set free. This book discusses how a man should choose a wife from a godly perspective, why do we keep picking the same type of partners, breaking the cycle of false guilt, how to stop comparing yourself to others. Overcoming the spirit of jealousy in the workplace and in the church. How to gain victory over the spirit of rejection. Training your spirit to believe in yourself. Get keys on how to protect your spirit from dream killers.