Potpourri #3
By: Morris A. Inch

Potpourri #3 <br>By: Morris A. Inch
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $14.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-546-8
    Edition: Paperback, 298 Pages
    Publication Date: May 14, 2014
    This is the third in the Potpourri series, each consisting of three brief studies. It provides considerable diversity, while serving as a stimulus for further reflection. Thus in keeping with the observation that the past serves as prologue.

    Potpourri, as the first of this triad, explores Common Sense & The Conspiracies. In this regard, it is said that problem with common sense is that it is so uncommon. Covenant Echoes, as the second entry, alerts the reader to the critical importance of covenants from a Biblical perspective. The final component, Amos Still Speaks!, delves into the continued relevance of the prophetic text for today.

    Potpourri # 2 first considers The Epic Conflict, in which persons are portrayed as engaged in spiritual conflict with the entrenched forces of evil. Jesus As Sage then touches on his public ministry in terms of wisdom literature. In conclusion, James, Jesus’ Sibling provides a brief account of James’ life and correspondence – noting similarities with that of Jesus.

    Potpourri # 3 now invites our attention. Initially, The Jesus Niche considers his pristine humanity. Which, in turn, encourages us to strive to achieve our potential by God’s grace. Next, The Rainbow Bridge is a graphic way of expressing one’s demise. Accordingly, the text focuses on the parting comments of select persons from the Scriptural narratives. Finally, What Is the Question? calls our attention to the importance of refining our questions so as to get favorable results.