Watchdog Odyssey
A Gripping Tale of Poverty, War, and Success
By: Jim Simpson

Watchdog Odyssey <bR>A Gripping Tale of Poverty, War, and Success <BR>By: Jim Simpson
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $20.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-635-9
    Edition: Paperback, 409 Pages
    Publication Date: February 16, 2016
    A boy grows up in the 1950s, starting out life in a tobacco barn with a loving family but with no prospects for a successful life. But nobody told him. Jimmy has true adventures of his own as a kid, then goes to work 105 hours a week at age twelve. In college he carries out grand raids, earning him an invitation by the judge to join the Army.

    Life changes forever in Vietnam. Jim’s platoon goes up against North Vietnamese regiments. He is severely wounded, and this time he is told that he will never walk again. He didn’t listen.

    He serves 25 successful years as an infantry officer. He gives rides to hitch-hikers in South Central L.A., until he is attacked by a crazed junkie with a gun. He builds a toy store in Hawaii, and takes revenge on a video game theft ring. Travel with him to Korea and live with business girls, the black market and slickie-boys.

    You never have to grow up. If you want life to be an adventure, it will be. If you want to enjoy life, you will. If you want to be successful, you will succeed.

    The story is sometimes brutal and tragic, sometimes just plain (literate) country, and sometimes satire of real people you already know. It’s adventure, and it’s fun.