
Moral, Political, and Civic Education <BR>By: Gabriel Alejandro Figueroa
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-859-3
Edition: Paperback, 62 Pages
Publication Date: August 20, 2008
Alternative in Order to Make of the Animal Man a Humanized Man

An initiative for the forging of a new civilization constituted by humanized men to change current reality which is empty of human values. The author is proposing moral, ethic, and civic education be mandatorily imposed at all educational institutions in the world with the imperative assistance of educators that are undoubtedly distanced from the corruption of the “animal man”.
Statements of Courage, Hope, and Triumph <BR>By: David Lloyd Briscoe, Ph.D.
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-884-5
Edition: Paperback, 87 Pages
Publication Date: July 28, 2008
This work focuses on more than a half century of social and christian experiences as reflected through statements for personal reflection and contemplation. It embraces aspects of social and religious philosophy as seen through the eyes of the author. It is in no way an empirical work but more qualitative and interpretive of one man’s journey on the path of life.
Notes from the Aboveground <BR>By: John Sullivan
Price: $10.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-723-7
Edition: Paperback, 146 Pages
Publication Date: November 21, 2007
Notes from the Aboveground provocatively argues that competition for power leads totalitarian man inexorably toward a libertarian order. The relationships examined between human nature, power and ideology are a synthesis of Hobbes, Mandeville, and Nietzsche, but the conclusions drawn depart from them and are startlingly original.

The feature of man that premises Notes from the Aboveground is egocentrism. Defining the ego as a need for social recognition, selfishness takes the form of both success and charity, dynamically creating the nexus of civilization.

While aggressively challenging man’s opinion of himself, Notes from the Aboveground suggests that civil institutions are not the product of enlightened thought, but of appeasement to rising power.

Societies are the result of the balance of power, and as human competition intensifies, power is won by increasing portions of it, the unplanned wisdom being that it is limited to the preservation of order, and with it the species.
A Cosmos Crying <BR>By: C. S. Thorton
Price: $10.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-471-7
Edition: Paperback, 122 Pages
Publication Date: July 17, 2007
A Cosmos Crying discusses the life span of the universe and our galaxy, the Creator, humans, religions, ruling authorities, human genes and the physiology of the body. It looks at the functioning of the universe from a higher level; terrorism and holy wars and how to stop them; Nature and its impact on living things; different kinds of ruling authorities; new technology and information technology. This book discusses how universal computer rule can abolish national boundaries making one nation, one universe, one rule, one law, and provide for sharing of resources. Universal computer rule would eradicate greed, poverty and nuclear war and make the Cosmos safe all people.
A View from Above <BR>By: John Sullivan
Price: $10.95
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ISBN: 1-59824-359-4
Edition: Paperback, 166 Pages
Publication Date: October 10, 2006
A View from Above provocatively argues that competition for power leads totalitarian man inexorably toward a libertarian order. The relationships examined between human nature, power and ideology are a synthesis of Hobbes, Mandeville, and Nietzsche, but the conclusions drawn depart from them and are startlingly original.

The feature of man that premises A View from Above is egocentrism. Defining the ego as a need for social recognition, selfishness takes the form of both success and charity, dynamically creating the nexus of civilization.

While aggressively challenging man’s opinion of himself, A View from Above suggests that civil institutions are not the product of enlightened thought, but of appeasement to rising power.

Societies are the result of the balance of power, and as human competition intensifies, power is won by increasing portions of it, the unplanned wisdom being that it is limited to the preservation of order, and with it the species.
The Purpose of a Medicine Is . . . <BR>By: Meena Nupur
Price: $18.95
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ISBN: 1-59824-343-8
Edition: Paperback, 337 Pages
Publication Date: September 18, 2006
This is a true story of a journey and a miracle. On December 6, 2005, in the offices of two separate medical experts, I was informed that my days were numbered. I was advised to take more medicines, and get admitted into the emergency room. If not, there was little the doctors could do. By then, I was already on numerous medicines for countless years. I knew that my body and stomach would not permit the intake of any more medication. All my life, I had lived my way. So, I signed a liability release form and decided to die my way. I surrendered to HIM. On January 7, 2006, I was down to just one medicine. I was on my way to full recovery.

It is a fun, happy, and romantic story that is culturally educational, medically astonishing, spiritually uplifting, and studded with travel experiences.

The journey was long and arduous, but never dull. It was scenic, adventurous, thrilling, and fulfilling. It took me through two masters degrees, two marriages, two children, two 10+ year long divorces, a few acquaintances, several friends, some companions, a career, several hobbies, the 7 continents, 5 oceans, 4 rivers, several islands, many debilitating illnesses, several awakenings, noteworthy self realization and a miraculous recovery. Most importantly, it helped me find answers to two very important questions. Is happiness a medicine? Is there one medicine whose purpose is to eliminate the need for all other medicines? The answers to both of which are a resounding – Yes.

Perhaps, that is why I got nicknamed AN – Amazing Nupur.
Modern Philosophical Dialogues <BR>Reclaiming the Tradition <br>By: Benjamin Stern
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 1-59824-332-2
Edition: Paperback, 89 Pages
Publication Date: August 17, 2006
Modern Philosophical Dialogues: Reclaiming the Tradition, is a philosophical dialogue between a man immersed in modern/postmodern thought and culture named Joe, and a Christian woman named April who is immersed in the Western tradition. Together they discuss philosophical issues relevant to every person including beauty, government, art, morality, virtue, friendship, love, commitment, God, and many other topics. The purpose of these dialogues is to provoke interest in philosophy, stimulate intellectual discussion, and promote authentic moral living in the reader. Modern philosophy has strayed from the dialogue approach in favor of an academic model. This book wishes to reclaim the ancient spirit found in Plato and applies the search for wisdom in our modern day for “the average person”.
Here, See if this Helps <br>By: Charles Samuel
Price: $12.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-225-3
Edition: Paperback, 189 Pages
Publication Date: June 8, 2006
Ever wondered how the Gospel of Jesus (which is all about peace, love and understanding) could somehow be twisted into ideologies of war, hate and absurdity? Ever wondered why many so-called ‘Christians’ do not follow the Way of Jesus?

Here, see if this helps.