From a Peasant to a Princess
By: Kim Hood

From a Peasant to a Princess <BR>By: Kim Hood
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $8.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-321-7
    Edition: Paperback, 83 Pages
    Publication Date: August 14, 2006
    An Orphan’s Guide to Healing, Restoration and Wholeness

    Everyone has his own distinctive journey in life. Each journey is filled with unique challenges. Most children will find the support and encouragement they need for a successful journey from their birth parents. However, for millions of children who are orphans and even children in foster care, this love and support, although vital, is missing from their lives. These children are forced to face the circumstances of life feeling alone. These challenges coupled with an unstable home environment, abuse, and the lack of a trustworthy adult to love or care, will have a traumatic impact upon the child.

    In this book, Kim offers encouragement and a ray of hope. Kim acknowledges and embraces the love of her heavenly father who has crowned her with love, self esteem, and a future, in spite of having lost her parents in her teenage years. You too will find the strength, comfort, and guidance that you will need for a successful journey through the Holy Spirit. This powerful book will encourage and empower you to know the love of your heavenly father. Soon, you will become keenly aware of your inheritance in God’s kingdom, and every covenant blessing that is simply yours for the asking.