Things I Must Ask U!
Part IV
By: Ms. Eunice

Things I Must Ask U! <BR>Part IV <bR>By: Ms. Eunice
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $14.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-266-5
    Edition: Paperback, 239 Pages
    Publication Date: March 31, 2011
    Always remember these words, “You’re not alone.” This is the advantage we as Christians have over the non-believers. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. God has used my life as a perfect example that if He can use me He can use anyone. I must confess once I accepted the Lord as my personal Lord and Savior times to me became very hard because the enemy started showing me what I was missing in life trying to follow God. As I slipped back into darkness that’s when I became an open target for the enemy to chew me up alive. After he ripped me into pieces I cried out to the Lord and God pulled me out of the miry clay set my feet on solid ground and told me to go my way. What about U my friend? Have U accepted the Lord as your Savior yet? If not did U know you’re a perfect target for the enemy to destroy and when U take your last breath here on earth where will your next breath B? My friend it’s better to B safe than sorry but please don’t end up in hell. This book tells U how God took someone full of issues, full of problems and lost to help spread His Word around and this will let U know U can B an instrument to accomplish His will too. What will U get for accepting the Lord? ETERNAL LIFE!