The Gift of Love
By: Sylvia Huffnagle

The Gift of Love <BR>By: Sylvia Huffnagle
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $14.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-341-1
    Edition: Paperback, 211 Pages
    Publication Date: September 6, 2006
    Lorielle Parker grew to be a very attractive young woman with cascading cherry blond hair and azure blue eyes. But guys never asked her to date. She had been born with a clubfoot. Though she dreamt of her Prince Charming, she didn’t think it would happen for her. Her deformity became such an issue in her mind, that she became difficult to get along with. But then just after she graduated from high school, she was influenced to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. The Gift of Love tells the story of the next two years of her life, all the changes God brings about in her and for her. Will God give Lorielle her Prince Charming?