Guardians of Immortal Night
By: Ruby Moon-Houldson

Guardians of Immortal Night <BR>By: Ruby Moon-Houldson
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $16.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-472-0
    Edition: Paperback, 292 Pages
    Publication Date: March 6, 2013
    An unexplainable darkness is falling upon the land. It is up to Jadyn, Christopher, and all the good vampires to uncover what’s behind the unearthly mystery. Is Jadyn’s unsettled mood behind the eerie nightfall, or is it due to some devious scheme fabricated by the evil vampires?

    Ever since Jadyn’s confrontation with Araboth and the terrible months she spent apart from Christopher, she’s not been able to dispel the sadness which holds her heart captive. How will she defeat the encroaching darkness if her own mood is the source of the disruption in the cycle of day and night? Each time the eerie darkness falls upon the land the evil vampires strike, keeping Jadyn and her allies on a constant vigil.

    Mortals stand little chance at defeating the unmerciful evil which thrives in the darkness. Their only hope lies in those who are…Guardians of Immortal Night.