Angels Charge Over Thee
By: Terrance J. Aldridge

Angels Charge Over Thee <bR>By: Terrance J. Aldridge
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $10.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-769-1
    Edition: Paperback, 117 Pages
    Publication Date: December 12, 2019
    Angels Charge Over Thee is a fictional story; however, fiction also intertwines with reality. The scriptures are real and God is real! We all need to love one another unconditionally and put our lives in order. Remember God shall be first in our lives, if we can do this our journey here on this earth will have a bounty of blessings, less stress, and protection from our Heavenly Father. Read his words, stay in the Bible, and if you are looking for a sense of direction God will guide you through whatever you are dealing with in life. Trust him and stand on his words, he will never fail you. However, you must clean up all the sin in your life; we all know what is right and what is wrong.