Health and Fitness

Cura Vegetariana de la Artritis <bR>By: Horacio F. Ariza, M.D.
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-732-9
Edition: Paperback, 95 Pages
Publication Date: November 28, 2007
Cura de la artritis y otras enfermedades degenerativas o por reacción de auto-inmunidad a través de una dieta vegetariana, ejercicios regulares, ingestión de antioxidantes, controlando el stress y evitando la ingestión de pro-oxidantes, como el azúcar.

Si usted sufre por Lupus, enfermedad de Parkinson, Esclerosis Múltiple o enfermedad de Alzheimer, por favor lea este libro. ¡Le podría salvar su vida!

Por favor preste atención: La resonancia Magnética es una herramienta sin valor en el diagnóstico temprano de Esclerosis Múltiple.

Si a usted le han aconsejado cirugía del hombro debido a una rasgadura o ruptura del tendón de rotación, por favor, lea este libro antes de hacer su decisión de aceptar o rehusar este procedimiento.

Esta investigación es el resultado de la experiencia personal y de la obtenida a través del ejercicio profesional como médico, ejerciendo por 46 años en el Estado de California.

(Spanish Language Text)
Vegetarian Cure For Arthritis <BR>By: Horacio F. Ariza, M.D.
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-699-5
Edition: Paperback, 89 Pages
Publication Date: August 30, 2007
Vegetarian Cure For Arthritis is the reflection of both the personal experience of having been stricken by arthritis at age thirty seven years and also the experience of a physician successfully treating his patients for 46 years as a California M.D.

Cure of arthritis and other degenerative or auto-immune type diseases by a vegetarian diet, exercise, anti-oxidants, stress control, and avoidance of pro-oxidants like sugar.

If you have been advised to have shoulder surgery for torn or ruptured rotator cuff, read this book before you make a decision!
Managing Your Health <BR>By: Thomas M. Obrotka, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-658-2
Edition: Paperback, 69 Pages
Publication Date: June 26, 2007
This book is written in simple and understandable form so that it may be read in a short amount of time by the layperson. It gives valuable information so that you, the reader, can acquire some basic concepts to better organize and regulate your life, enhance your health, and possibly prevent some inevitable diseases by altering your environment and making lifestyle changes. It is a guide from which you can obtain some health knowledge so that you can assist your doctor with managing your health more efficiently.

Remember, the more input you contribute the better understanding your doctor will have in caring for you. The more you know, the better informed your decisions will be. You’ll be able to avoid seeing the doctor when not necessary, and you’ll know when to seek help at the appropriate time.
Life After AIDS <br>Restoring Health Naturally <br>By: Noreen Martin
Price: $12.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-504-2
Edition: Paperback, 168 Pages
Publication Date: March 19 2007
Today we spend the majority of our efforts on the curing of disease, while the majority of efforts should be placed on prevention. Could it be that our concept of how to achieve and maintain perfect health is flawed? Nature so wisely placed in food the necessary ingredients to maintain health and only by eating natural foods can we expect to maintain health.

Disease is the most unnecessary thing in life, created by man and not by nature. Sickness is never neutral. It is produced by violating the principles of health. Comply with natural laws and you will be healthy; violate them and you will pay the consequences. Above all, remember that there is nothing that brings the dead back to life but there is much that can be done to prevent the living from death.
The Purpose of a Medicine Is . . . <BR>By: Meena Nupur
Price: $18.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-343-8
Edition: Paperback, 337 Pages
Publication Date: September 18, 2006
This is a true story of a journey and a miracle. On December 6, 2005, in the offices of two separate medical experts, I was informed that my days were numbered. I was advised to take more medicines, and get admitted into the emergency room. If not, there was little the doctors could do. By then, I was already on numerous medicines for countless years. I knew that my body and stomach would not permit the intake of any more medication. All my life, I had lived my way. So, I signed a liability release form and decided to die my way. I surrendered to HIM. On January 7, 2006, I was down to just one medicine. I was on my way to full recovery.

It is a fun, happy, and romantic story that is culturally educational, medically astonishing, spiritually uplifting, and studded with travel experiences.

The journey was long and arduous, but never dull. It was scenic, adventurous, thrilling, and fulfilling. It took me through two masters degrees, two marriages, two children, two 10+ year long divorces, a few acquaintances, several friends, some companions, a career, several hobbies, the 7 continents, 5 oceans, 4 rivers, several islands, many debilitating illnesses, several awakenings, noteworthy self realization and a miraculous recovery. Most importantly, it helped me find answers to two very important questions. Is happiness a medicine? Is there one medicine whose purpose is to eliminate the need for all other medicines? The answers to both of which are a resounding – Yes.

Perhaps, that is why I got nicknamed AN – Amazing Nupur.
Fighting the Dragon <br>By: Bettye Crockett
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-320-9
Edition: Paperback, 90 Pages
Publication Date: August 12, 2006
This is a story about survival and how I watched my son die several times waiting for transplants. I learned that my son had courage and the will to live. I truly feel that God gave me a second chance to be a good mom.
A Breast Owner's Guide <BR>Situations and Lessons from A to Z <BR>By: Sherita T. Ceasar
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-311-X
Edition: Paperback, 70 Pages
Publication Date: Aug 1, 2006
A Breast Owner’s Guide is an insightful perspective of the varied experiences and education about the multiple roles breasts play in our lives in the journey of womanhood.
OxyFlex! <br>By: Debra A. Ross
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-253-9
Edition: Paperback, 110 Pages
Publication Date: July 17, 2006
Other Editions: Hardcover
OxyFlex! combines deep breathing with specific muscle contractions. OxyFlex! is comprised of bits and pieces from different areas of fitness. Yoga, pilates, and isometric contractions, basically it’s just going back to the basics that we’ve all forgotten about. The basic routine takes just 15 minutes a day and it does not require any equipment. OxyFlex! is a condensed, more concentrated, version of what everybody else does in the weight room. More bang for your buck! Oxygen is required to burn fat and is the key to health. Oxygen is your greatest and first source of energy. It is the fuel required for the proper operation of all body systems. Only 10% of your energy comes from food and water, 90% of our energy comes from OXYGEN. Oxygen gives our body the ability to rebuild itself. Oxygen detoxifies the blood, and strengthens the immune system. The more efficiently we raise the oxygen level, the more effortlessly the body loses weight and reaches maximum energy. The key is oxygen! Deep breathing techniques which increase oxygen to the cell are the most important factors in living a disease free and energetic life.
Super T Karate System <BR>By: Grand Master Terry Gay
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-210-5
Edition: Paperback, 142 Pages
Publication Date: July 7, 2006
The Super “T” Karate System is a compilation of mix styles of the Martial Arts including Karate, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Grappling, with no-nonsense offensive and defensive tactics for the ring and the street. The Super “T” Karate System is based on natural movements and actions of the body rather than a prearranged pattern of moves. Combining Powerful Kicks, Punches, and Crafty Footwork, with Solid Defense, and Skilled Grappling maneuvers, into real world self defense techniques.

Learn to defend yourself standing up, on the ground, against weapons attacks and much more! If you’re ready to experience what really works, the Super “T” Karate System is for you.
Big Smiles, Small Miracles <BR>By: Lynne M. Caulkett
Price: $18.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-246-6
Edition: Paperback, 231 Pages
Publication Date: June 6, 2006
This newest book by Lynne M. Caulkett focuses on the expanding field of hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding. “Big Smiles, Small Miracles” is the story of some of the children and their families involved in this remarkable form of physical and mental therapy. Heartrending in its graphic presentation of the challenges of children who have rare diseases and the handicaps that they face from the moment of their birth, their stories of courage, determination and success will warm your heart. A must read for anyone who has ever loved a child or a pony.

Patricia Stillings, writer