
My Way Is Poetry <BR>By: Suzanne Pelton
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-439-3
Edition: Paperback, 115 Pages
Publication Date: October 12, 2012
Word Power is immeasurable! This book is about words. Words build, words destroy, words love, nurture and reveal the heart. They express and share life’s meaning. Suzanne Pelton’s book, “MY WAY IS POETRY”, shows her personal walk of faith, her loves, her trust and her wonder through words. Suzanne left a gift after life was gone.

Most of these writings were discovered by her husband and love, Howard, as he walked the mourner’s cleansing path. They were tucked away in boxes, drawers and closets. Her tenderness was here, even though she was absent. It is much more than simply words.

Many friends and family who knew her well sometimes wonder if they knew her at all. Here are revelations, heart tugging and heart warming. A window to her spirit is opened. We glimpse at the holy place - God’s image, the soul.
Lip Service <Br>The Foolishness of Man <br>By: Joy Mitchell-Booker
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-433-1
Edition: Paperback, 87 Pages
Publication Date: Oct 8, 2012
Other Editions: Hardcover

I want to take this opportunity to thank you. I hope you found something inside this edition to stir your soul.

The decadence of America has become so great until the moral fiber of our society is slipping away.

I challenge you to reflect upon this body of work to see how we, as a people, can begin to turn things around.
To Family and Friends <BR>By: Sharon Parker Gross
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-427-0
Edition: Paperback, 102 Pages
Publication Date: September 19, 2012
To Family and Friends is a collection of poems and short stories.
Smiling Sadness <bR>By: Shpetim Kastrati
Price: $9.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-419-5
Edition: Paperback, 89 Pages
Publication Date: August 23, 2012
The poems of Shpetim Kastrati give us a clear picture of the modern world (sometimes by using a perfect combination of metaphors and symbols as he brings all of the ancient characters alive in today’s world.) An experience that pierces into the heart and mind of the reader; which helps them think and feel more deeply.
Metaxe <bR>Transcendent Journey <BR>By: Joan Canby
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-377-8
Edition: Paperback, 36 Pages
Publication Date: March 9, 2012
Metaxe is Plato’s term for transcendence and that the state of being in between, en route. This collection of poetry describes the Holy Land pilgrimage of one soul. A ten day trip to Jaffa, Caesarea, Megiddo, Mt. Tabor, Temple of Pan, Christening in the River Jordan, floating on the Dead Sea, visiting Capernaum, Jericho, Golan Heights, Beth-She’an, Qumran, Masada, to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, East Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Western Wall and Solomon’s Temple. As a pilgrimage to a renewed faith tells of one’s soul’s journey offering a promise of transcendence from place to understanding.
Simple Words from the Heart <BR>By: Catherin Elizabet Belle and Carter L Davis
Price: $15.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-365-5
Edition: Paperback, 169 Pages
Publication Date: January 19, 2012
We all have memories from ages past. Over time these memories begin to fade. Then something as simple as a sound, a single word, or a picture brings these memories flooding into our conscious thoughts.

This selection of poetry is written of memories past; and presented to you in hope that one word, a line or a verse will rekindle a cherished memory, bringing a smile to your face or a tear to your eye.

We invite you to begin your journey of fond remembrance with Simple Words from the Heart.
Tears of the Abused <bR>By: Jeffery Lee Wells
Price: $10.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-347-1
Edition: Paperback, 141 Pages
Publication Date: November 8, 2011
This is one of my wishes for myself. To publish a book of poetry that I created. Every poem in this book is a view of someone. Someone I met, someone I helped or someone that I look at in the mirror each day. I have had a strange life, to me anyway. Then again maybe not, after reading some of these poems back to myself. I didn’t publish this to become famous nor make money. I published it for myself. We live in a world that has disappointed me most of my life. So many say they care, but if you look at their actions they really don’t. Our elected for the most love to band aid abuse. They never seem to solve the problem of abuse, they just band aid the abused. Over the last two years I have written over 300 poems about abuse. Over the last two years I have written over 1,200 letters to elected officials all across this county asking for them to do something about abuse. And over the last two years I have cried, because for the most part, they don’t care.

My opinion is someone that has been abused doesn’t fall into a certain group of people that they can receive a vote from. The abused fall into all political parties, all races, both male and female, the wealthy, the middle class and the poor. This is a problem for a politician. They cannot divide and conquer this group to gather votes. I was born in 1966. Neither party nor single politician has broken any ground yet to save or stand up for the abused. They walk into the room after the fact with a box of band aids and a camera man to make themselves look good.

These are my views though, if there are any politicians out there that really care do something about the problem before it happens. Stop walking with band aids and start doing what’s right. Our judges for the most fall into this same category, but that’s another book in itself. God Bless!
The Unwanted Reality <BR>A collection of poetry <BR>By: Goran Rahim
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-332-7
Edition: Paperback, 72 Pages
Publication Date: October 5, 2011
A collection of poetry by contemporary international poet Goran Rahim.
Poems for Professional People – Trades People – Inquisitive People <bR>By: Dalward J DeBruzzi
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-298-6
Edition: Paperback, 97 Pages
Publication Date: August 12, 2011
This is a collection of 57 poems dealing with the professions, trades, humor, life’s problems, tragedy, perseverance, positive attitudes, morality, and philosophical perspectives on the stages of the life cycle.
Sun Diamonds <BR>By: Erin Elizabeth Anastasi <br>Edited By: Anthony Anastasi
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-60862-315-0
Edition: Paperback, 104 Pages
Publication Date: August 3, 2011
Poems From A Wandering Soul In The Third World & At Home

Beautiful and emotionally powerful descriptions of third-world struggles for survival, and poems of home and family.