Talons of Death
By: Sam Champie

Talons of Death <br>By: Sam Champie
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $12.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-198-2
    Edition: Paperback, 188 Pages
    Publication Date: May 19, 2006
    Hary Hidrop, a young scientist, embarks on an expedition requiring treacherous rock climbing and spelunking in search of a cure for his disability, Endolymphatic Hydrops … less than twenty miles from the bright lights of Las Vegas.

    Fiction The characters and events.
    Fact The finding of fossil footprints near Las Vegas.
    Fact Lizards of the Triassic period wouldn’t make good pets.
    Fact An asteroid hit 65 million years ago.
    Fact There is no known cure for Endolymphatic Hydrops.
    Fact or Fiction? The Legends of Native American Indians.

    An exciting adventure story that could almost be true…

    A story of life and death…