The Fugitive Lawyer
By: Cal Campbell

The Fugitive Lawyer <BR>By: Cal Campbell
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $10.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-772-1
    Edition: Paperback, 143 Pages
    Publication Date: November 25, 2019
    THE FUGITIVE LAWYER is a fictional story about Ryan who is in an unhappy marriage while working in a New York City law and investment firm with his father-in-law.

    Suspecting unscrupulous dealings with their clients, Ryan wants out of the firm. So, falsifying his own death after an unexpected car accident, he escapes from New York City. The story continues as Ryan travels to several states trying to elude the FBI who is looking for him. During his travels he meets many interesting people and tries to establish a normal lifestyle for himself.

    As the Securities and Exchange Commission becomes suspicious of the firm’s dealings with their clients, Ryan’s father-in-law, A.J., flees to Cuba. Meanwhile, the story follows the adventures of A.J. as he becomes involved with drug smuggling.

    A.J. is eventually apprehended and brought to trial by the DEA due to his alleged dealings with a Columbia drug cartel.

    Ryan was finally located and arrested but offered immunity if he would testify against his father-in-law for the investment frauds the firm committed against their clients.