Civil War

Blue and Gray Forever <BR>A History of the Civil War Era <bR>By: Andrew J. Richter
Price: $14.95
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ISBN: 978-1-60862-629-8
Edition: Paperback, 269 Pages
Publication Date: December 28, 2015
A Civil War is the most traumatic event a country can go through and the United States was no exception. The American Civil War pitted neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother, and in some cases even father against son. My goal in this book is to bring to life the Civil War Era in plain and simple terms without the needless detail or wild conspiracies. Our journey begins with the Mexican War and ends with the Lincoln Assassination while covering all major points in between. Let the history come to life!!!
Age of Glory and Charm <BR>By: Capt. Patrick J. Schneider, USMCR
Price: $12.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-940-8
Edition: Paperback, 162 Pages
Publication Date: October 7, 2008
As the Civil War raged, John Drewry found himself being pulled back into the conflict but not on the battlefield. This time he found himself involved in a mystery mission, full of intrigue and suspense that leads him down a path toward the unknown and true love.

As an amateur poet he recounts his battlefield experiences in poems like Shiloh:

      On Grant’s left, pink blossoms, from the peach orchard fall,
      stripped of their mooring by mini ball.
      A messenger summoned, and with orders in hand,
      came a desperate demand for Prentiss to stand.

      On the sunken road, Prentiss’ men formed a line,
      repelling the rebels, time after time.
      After six hours of fighting, he surrendered his men,
      but the action had worked, the Union would win.
From First to Last <BR>The Peace Society <BR>By: Andrew Henry Heflin
Price: $12.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-725-1
Edition: Paperback, 188 Pages
Publication Date: October 29, 2007
There are millions of words that have been written on the divisive history of the War Between the States, commonly referred to as, “The Civil War.” Thousands of stories have been placed in book form.

Robert S. Heflin lived a truly remarkable life at a time in our country’s development and change which required a special courage, a steadfast and resolute commitment.

It was his country, above all else, that he pledged to support. He felt it to be his duty. At risk were the bonds of love and the nurturing of his wife and children, his father and mother, his brothers and sisters and his friends and neighbors.

It was the Union of the United States for which he risked all of this. It was for more than honor; much more.
Brothers in Blue <BR>A story of one family's sacrifice during the Civil War. <BR>By: Thomas F. Ayers
Price: $10.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-110-9
Edition: Paperback, 145 Pages
Publication Date: December 29, 2005
This is the story of one family and how it dealt with the Civil War and its ramifications. It is the experience of four brothers who all answered the call for the defense of freedom, and how each dealt with the war in his own way. It describes the hardships and heartbreak of war on the home front as well as the battlefield.
The North Winds - A Civil War Novel<br>By: H. J. Marshall
Price: $19.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-932701-22-2
Edition: Paperback, 394 Pages
Publication Date: May 31, 2004
A mesmerizing novel set in the final months of the Civil War. Sherman’s march through Georgia is brought to life through the eyes of three Pennsylvania brothers who face the hardships of the Civil War with the constant fear of death. Along the way they learn the meaning of fear, loyalty, courage, and love as they grow into battle hardened men. A wonderful tale told in a fascinating historical setting.