Ticket to Happiness or the Self-Indulgent Truth?
By: Reid Laurence

Ticket to Happiness or the Self-Indulgent Truth? <br>By: Reid Laurence
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $12.95

    ISBN: 1-59824-290-3
    Edition: Paperback, 182 Pages
    Publication Date: July 19, 2006
    The all-important American dream. Does it matter if someone else helps us attain it, or what shape or form it arrives in? Just how do we know the door of opportunity is open, even when it is and it’s right in front of us, inviting us, even daring us to walk through its threshold.

    Life can be a guessing game, full of good luck and bad. Full of business angles, stock tips and those who we think can’t be trusted, until one day you meet someone and your gut feeling tells you to listen. To listen and to believe, because deep inside you know that the help you’ve been looking for may arrive in either the most conventional, or unconventional of means and the only thing left to do is to take the plunge into the unknown, roll the so-called dice and do what we all fear most... take the chance.

    Fear of the unknown still holding you back? Do you take the tip your buddy just gave you and play the horse that’s sure to win? Should you buy that thousand shares of stock that’s just certain to rise and make you a windfall of money, or do you listen to a complete stranger you’ve met while strolling through the woods with your wife... as I have?

    Everyone knows life is full of short straws and long, but if you use your intuition and take a gamble, you may turn out a bigger winner than you ever imagined possible in your wildest dreams...