Personal Growth/Spirituality

Science of the Soul <BR>Meditation on the Inner Light and Sound <br>By: John Magnus
Price: $15.00
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-483-0
Edition: Paperback, 137 Pages
Publication Date: April 26, 2007
Science of the Soul presents the knowledge of meditation on the inner light and sound as a path of esotericism that leads to the experience of inner communion with the soul. The author contrasts this with other esoteric paths through his vast knowledge in this field as a fulfilled mystic. The book covers the path of devotion, the path of yoga and the path of kundalini shakti. These paths are discussed in detail through the esoteric experiences of the author which span over a period of two decades.

The book then goes on to outline in great detail all aspects of the path of meditation on the inner light and sound and offers this as the most suitable path to inner enlightenment for a seeker in this age. The benefits of inner peace and joy, renewed vigour and spiritual centeredness and the desire to live life to its fullest and to express our highest potential in all we do and undertake are all qualities of the soul. These qualities are fully manifested in the individual through the meditation practices presented in this book.

The techniques of meditation are presented in a structured and scientific manner, which makes it very easy to practice. It is laid out in a stepwise order, so that people of all age groups; young men and women, middle aged and the elderly, can easily follow the simple techniques of meditation and inner concentration without strenuous effort.

The book does not go into doctrines and religious dogma and belief systems. It simply presents this science as a universal science of the individual soul that transcends religious dogma and reveals to us the Divinity indwelling within each and every one of us. This inner experience improves the quality of our experience of every aspect of our lives. If we are Christians, we become better Christians. If we are Muslims, we become better Muslims. If we are Hindus or Buddhists or Jewish, we become better Hindus, Buddhists or better Jews.

A beginner on this path will find the introductory techniques of meditation presented here-in a sound foundation for their inner search. An advanced or experienced meditator will be benefitted from the author’s experiences of the inner path and the challenges of the path which he sincerely shares in this book which will definitely enrich every seeker’s spiritual journey.
Ten Steps to the End of Pain <BR>A Guide to Conscious Living <br>By: Linda L. Manning
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-449-6
Edition: Paperback, 109 Pages
Publication Date: February 28, 2007
The Ten Steps will help you create release from pain, no matter what its quality or quantity and in your practice of these Steps you may transform your life.

The book presents Ten Steps and takes the reader on a guided journey through thoughtful examination of ideas and through related real life stories. The Steps are tools guiding us toward the transformation of pain whether it is physical, mental or emotional. The Steps are described and stories are told to illustrate and enhance the reader’s understanding of them. The stories reflect varieties of pain experienced through heartbreak, loss of security, discontent and battle with life-threatening disease. The stories all provide the reader with examples of ways out of the mess.

The book defines a new relationship with pain for the individual and then through the Steps utilizes the experience and relationship with pain to create the change it requires of us. The change in turn transforms or eliminates the pain. The book describes a natural process available to us all but rarely taught or described as this work reveals. The Steps are based on experiential knowledge and the experience of individuals practicing The Ten Steps is included.

At the core of each Step is choice. The first choice, you will find in this work, is to redefine pain as a friend and ally. Pain is not bad or good. It’s a directional arrow to show the friction area within that needs attention and work. This may be difficult, but by suspending disbelief and allowing pain to guide, transformation and growth follows. This work does not ask us to embrace and seek pain masochistically. It asks us rather to acknowledge and feel it and to then follow the Steps to find who we really are. We are not the pain.

In conclusion, this book promises the reader a way out of the mess of pain. By the end of the book the reader will be inspired by the real experiences of others and be opened to a new way of seeing their world. The Steps appear simple but are not easy hence the need for explanatory and descriptive writing. They are a westernized path to mastery over the world of nature (internal and external) and our life within it. Their conscious practice and mastery is a movement toward Soul Development and coming into a higher level of being within the human experience.
Except the Father Draw Him <br>A Journey With the Spirit of Christ <br>By: Mark A. Smith
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-434-2
Edition: Paperback, 219 Pages
Publication Date: January 19, 2007
For in him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28)

In this problem-solving thesis Mark Smith captures the root cause of all life and all existence, even the tiniest particle imaginable.

Additionally, Mr. Smith assembles massive evidence that explains why Jesus Christ is either for you or against you, regardless of your race, creed, religion, lifespan, opportunity to know about Him, your accomplishments, or lot in life.

You may be amazed to find where the credit you take for your life actually belongs (whether you know it or not!), and how much the truth (about the Supreme Being) is distorted by the world-at-large.

True joy (at least at some level) can be found when one discovers the path that leads to life, regardless of the present conditions, or the temporary horrors we may face.

Plunge into this material with an open mind, peel away your mental paradigms, and you may come out the other side with a new heart, that will beat forever, to a very different drummer!
Black Men and Responsibility <br>By: David W. Nelson
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-342-X
Edition: Paperback, 68 Pages
Publication Date: September 22, 2006
Black men have hidden in the shadows of responsibility long enough. Their wives, their women and their children are suffering, yet waiting for them to step up to the plate and be accountable. The Word of God offers simple Biblical solutions to this age old problem.
The Purpose of a Medicine Is . . . <BR>By: Meena Nupur
Price: $18.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-343-8
Edition: Paperback, 337 Pages
Publication Date: September 18, 2006
This is a true story of a journey and a miracle. On December 6, 2005, in the offices of two separate medical experts, I was informed that my days were numbered. I was advised to take more medicines, and get admitted into the emergency room. If not, there was little the doctors could do. By then, I was already on numerous medicines for countless years. I knew that my body and stomach would not permit the intake of any more medication. All my life, I had lived my way. So, I signed a liability release form and decided to die my way. I surrendered to HIM. On January 7, 2006, I was down to just one medicine. I was on my way to full recovery.

It is a fun, happy, and romantic story that is culturally educational, medically astonishing, spiritually uplifting, and studded with travel experiences.

The journey was long and arduous, but never dull. It was scenic, adventurous, thrilling, and fulfilling. It took me through two masters degrees, two marriages, two children, two 10+ year long divorces, a few acquaintances, several friends, some companions, a career, several hobbies, the 7 continents, 5 oceans, 4 rivers, several islands, many debilitating illnesses, several awakenings, noteworthy self realization and a miraculous recovery. Most importantly, it helped me find answers to two very important questions. Is happiness a medicine? Is there one medicine whose purpose is to eliminate the need for all other medicines? The answers to both of which are a resounding – Yes.

Perhaps, that is why I got nicknamed AN – Amazing Nupur.
Deliverance and Healing <BR>By: Dr. Drake P. Perry
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-204-0
Edition: Paperback, 242 Pages
Publication Date: June 13, 2006
Clarity in Counseling for Church Leaders and Parishioners

Experts in both the mental and medical health professions have endeavored to formulate comprehensible explanation for the remarkable recoveries made by people under their care. As we struggle with the seemingly endless battle with mental disorders, and increasingly resistant strains of viruses, many professionals are looking to alternative methodologies.

It is no secret that the battle is complex and staged with many players, most of whom have questionable motives. Attitudes and opinions run deep and the level of pride from one school of thought to another can be outright childish. Regulation of how treatment should be provided is another area that seriously lacks direction. Politicians are transitory in their positions, and most of them direct both resources and influence toward the largest pool of voters, and/or the most significant interest group. This is not an indictment against their integrity, but a candid observation of their predicament. Alternative medicine and psychological therapies have expanded until now they are becoming just as popular as traditional treatments. In the midst of all of these dynamics we find routine accounts of divine healing, and deliverance from mental afflictions.

This book focuses on the comparisons between secular medicine, including mental health therapies, divine healing, and most importantly, Christian counseling. Considerable attention has been dedicated to historical development, clinical results, and the attributes of the different approaches currently being used.

The primary objective of this work is to pry into the sensitive area of the valued principles and practices of secular psychology and traditional medicine, to improve the general understanding of these areas within the Christian community. This book aims to expose the link between Christian faith and improved mental and physical health. It will reveal serious weaknesses among Christians’ and Church Leaders concerning mental health counseling. It will also bring to light the lack of clarity and direction in America’s mental health care system, and the dangers of hybrid Christian counseling models used by the Church.

The last objective is to present Scriptural based solutions that can be used in a professional and practical way. (Dr. Drake Perry 2006)
The Uncovering<BR>Of the Greatest Story Never Told<BR> By: Gerald L. Vano
Price: $10.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-088-9
Edition: Paperback, 113 Pages
Publication Date: November 2005
The Uncovering is a book that is unique because it uncovers hidden secrets that were hidden from the masses for thousands of years. Very few people on this planet are aware of the knowledge that is about to be exposed. By tying together Mythologies of the past and Biblical verse in a unique way Gerald Vano uncovered a message that has been in the collective sub consciousness of man for thousands of years. This message is about an event that will happen in the year 2012. The Mayan prophecies say this event will raise the consciousness of man on this planet and people are excited about this.

What is shown in this book with undeniable evidence is that the Mayan along with other myths and Biblical scripture when fully decoded show that the rise of consciousness is due to an unexpected bending or speeding up of time caused by an apocalyptic shift in the polar axis of Earth.

There is also a chapter in this book that exposes the truth about a very controversial subject hot in the media today. It involves the “Da Vinci Code” book written by Dan brown who in his book proposes that the bloodline of Jesus was carried on through Mary Magdalene and goes on today physically in the world. It is shown in this chapter that the bloodline of Jesus is not a physical line as he proposes, but is a spiritual line carried on through the Holy Spirit. The challenging evidence shown in this chapter will prove to be undeniable.