What They May Reveal
By: Hazel Sparrow Hansard

Secrets <bR>What They May Reveal <br>By: Hazel Sparrow Hansard
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $10.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-565-9
    Edition: Paperback, 149 Pages
    Publication Date: August 26, 2014
    Secrets excite and entertain us by making our minds boggle as we are so amazed at the lengths some people will go through to keep them. Even though most of them confuse us, there is one thing that was initially kept secret in the beginning of time and later revealed to us through Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. By the immaculate birth of the Son of God, by the Virgin Mary, and the many miracles performed by him through his Heavenly Father, and the 12 witnesses who followed him along with many witnesses throughout the Holy Bible, we learn that some secrets which are revealed will give a feeling of hope that will illuminate our minds and intrigue us to not give up and to hold on.

    In this book called Secrets even though most of them may shock you it lets you know the depth some people will go to keep them, even if they have to take them to their graves. Some secrets are good to keep and some are not good. For instance, one may keep them to get on a public assistance program, get a mate, or just to know something no one else may know. Others keep hidden finances a secret, left in off shore accounts, or hidden in a bed mattress, or an old coat. Family secrets are kept through decades that could have changed lives.

    So what type of secret have you been keeping? Would it have changed someone else’s life? Did it feel good for you to keep them? Do you sleep well at night because you are able to keep them?

    Take your time and read this book, and as you do, think about what secrets you may know and decide whether you will keep them or reveal them.