Follow That Which You Know Best: Your Heart
By: Janell Richison

Follow That Which You Know Best: Your Heart <BR>By: Janell Richison
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $12.95

    ISBN: 978-1-59824-770-1
    Edition: Paperback, 174 Pages
    Publication Date: February 4, 2008
    Follow That Which You Know Best: Your Heart is about four short stories that will test your knowledge on what it means to follow who you are, and what it is you want to become in life, or be known for. In the first story, a young girl and boy find happiness in their relationship, but must abandon it due to a segregated south. In the second story a soldier is confronted with his heritage and the need to abandon it. In the third story a royal family faces extinction, and must flee the country that they love in order to carry on their lineage. In the last story a mother is faced with the possibility of selling her children to a man who could change her life. Each story requires one to weigh the consequences of their actions, using only their hearts to make amends with a scenario that requires one to either face that which is known or to face that which is unknown, and, possibly, unforgiving.