Self Help

First Easy Guidebook How to Read Hand <BR>By: Marian A. Woronowicz
Price: $9.99
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-665-0
Edition: Paperback, 66 Pages
Publication Date: July 12, 2007
Chiro – Psychology reveals character, thus reading the future from hands gives clear indications of ambitions, desires, emotions and abilities of the individual. Lines configuration, shape or formation of fingers, minor markings and many other identifications point to specific sides of the character which are shown in this material; giving almost anyone the ability to read some of those signs just in the time when intermediate contact occurs; in subway, in work or school, in home, at a meeting or even during shopping or short conversations.
Managing Your Health <BR>By: Thomas M. Obrotka, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Price: $8.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-658-2
Edition: Paperback, 69 Pages
Publication Date: June 26, 2007
This book is written in simple and understandable form so that it may be read in a short amount of time by the layperson. It gives valuable information so that you, the reader, can acquire some basic concepts to better organize and regulate your life, enhance your health, and possibly prevent some inevitable diseases by altering your environment and making lifestyle changes. It is a guide from which you can obtain some health knowledge so that you can assist your doctor with managing your health more efficiently.

Remember, the more input you contribute the better understanding your doctor will have in caring for you. The more you know, the better informed your decisions will be. You’ll be able to avoid seeing the doctor when not necessary, and you’ll know when to seek help at the appropriate time.
Conscious Contact - Volume One - Where Spirituality & Recovery Meet <br>By: Gail M. DeWitt
Price: $20.00
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-494-6
Edition: Paperback, 159 Pages
Publication Date: May 28, 2007
Conscious Contact Volume One – Is a step by step process to walk you from a place of addiction and/or loss to a place of wholeness and freedom. Combined in the steps is “The Secret” law of attraction, metaphysical principles, affirmative prayer (separate audio CD) as well as the author’s successful experience living and coaching others in this process for over 30 years.

If you are about reclaiming wholeness in any area of your life this book is for you.
Life After AIDS <br>Restoring Health Naturally <br>By: Noreen Martin
Price: $12.95
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ISBN: 978-1-59824-504-2
Edition: Paperback, 168 Pages
Publication Date: March 19 2007
Today we spend the majority of our efforts on the curing of disease, while the majority of efforts should be placed on prevention. Could it be that our concept of how to achieve and maintain perfect health is flawed? Nature so wisely placed in food the necessary ingredients to maintain health and only by eating natural foods can we expect to maintain health.

Disease is the most unnecessary thing in life, created by man and not by nature. Sickness is never neutral. It is produced by violating the principles of health. Comply with natural laws and you will be healthy; violate them and you will pay the consequences. Above all, remember that there is nothing that brings the dead back to life but there is much that can be done to prevent the living from death.
Ten Steps to the End of Pain <BR>A Guide to Conscious Living <br>By: Linda L. Manning
Price: $14.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 978-1-59824-449-6
Edition: Paperback, 109 Pages
Publication Date: February 28, 2007
The Ten Steps will help you create release from pain, no matter what its quality or quantity and in your practice of these Steps you may transform your life.

The book presents Ten Steps and takes the reader on a guided journey through thoughtful examination of ideas and through related real life stories. The Steps are tools guiding us toward the transformation of pain whether it is physical, mental or emotional. The Steps are described and stories are told to illustrate and enhance the reader’s understanding of them. The stories reflect varieties of pain experienced through heartbreak, loss of security, discontent and battle with life-threatening disease. The stories all provide the reader with examples of ways out of the mess.

The book defines a new relationship with pain for the individual and then through the Steps utilizes the experience and relationship with pain to create the change it requires of us. The change in turn transforms or eliminates the pain. The book describes a natural process available to us all but rarely taught or described as this work reveals. The Steps are based on experiential knowledge and the experience of individuals practicing The Ten Steps is included.

At the core of each Step is choice. The first choice, you will find in this work, is to redefine pain as a friend and ally. Pain is not bad or good. It’s a directional arrow to show the friction area within that needs attention and work. This may be difficult, but by suspending disbelief and allowing pain to guide, transformation and growth follows. This work does not ask us to embrace and seek pain masochistically. It asks us rather to acknowledge and feel it and to then follow the Steps to find who we really are. We are not the pain.

In conclusion, this book promises the reader a way out of the mess of pain. By the end of the book the reader will be inspired by the real experiences of others and be opened to a new way of seeing their world. The Steps appear simple but are not easy hence the need for explanatory and descriptive writing. They are a westernized path to mastery over the world of nature (internal and external) and our life within it. Their conscious practice and mastery is a movement toward Soul Development and coming into a higher level of being within the human experience.
The Future for Baby Boomers (As I See It) <BR>By: David Leber
Price: $10.00
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-324-1
Edition: Paperback, 71 Pages
Publication Date: October 18, 2006
Dave Leber, part of the early wave of 78 million baby boomers in the United States, completed this book just before turning 60 on July 25, 2006. A lifelong student of human behavior and motivation, Dave graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a degree in psychology. A Certified Financial Planner®, Chartered Financial Consultant and Certified Senior Advisor, Dave has been advising baby boomers and near-boomers for over 37 years in the area of financial life planning. Dave feels ideally suited to guide baby boomers into the next stages of their lives.

The Future for Baby Boomers (As I See It) is Dave’s fourth book, following Finding Your True Self, Taking Charge: Life Enhancing Strategies for People Over Forty and Giving Back: Making Life Better for Ourselves and Our Society. A proud father and (young) grandfather, Dave hopes Jimmy Buffett will write a sequel to A Pirate Turns 50, as Jimmy turns 60 later this year.

Dave hopes you enjoy his latest book and that you get at least one or two good ideas that you can apply in the next stages of your life.
A Poorman's Guide to Knowing Money <BR>By: Bobby Cochran
Price: $16.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-364-0
Edition: Paperback, 297 Pages
Publication Date: October 17, 2006
Would you like to know what the rich know? Would you like to know all about money, how to better your credit, invest in the stock market and how the financial world works? This is a book that will teach you all the basics you need to know, and help you make the money you want and live the American Dream.

Bobby Cochran started Think Rich Not Poor, a company teaching people the basics of money matters. He believes that if you give people a chance to know what the wealthy know, then you have a chance to live the American Dream. Other books written by Bobby Cochran are: Take Your Credit Back, A Poorman’s Guide to the Stock Market and The Financial World and How it Works.
The Financial World and How it Works <BR>By: Bobby Cochran
Price: $10.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-354-3
Edition: Paperback, 139 Pages
Publication Date: September 28, 2006
The Financial World and How it Works teaches you what all the people on the Business News and in the Paper are talking about. You hear a lot about the Fed, Interest rates, the high and low of the dollar and many other things, but do you know what they really mean for you. In this book, the author shows you what they are talking about, and what it all means.
Black Men and Responsibility <br>By: David W. Nelson
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-342-X
Edition: Paperback, 68 Pages
Publication Date: September 22, 2006
Black men have hidden in the shadows of responsibility long enough. Their wives, their women and their children are suffering, yet waiting for them to step up to the plate and be accountable. The Word of God offers simple Biblical solutions to this age old problem.
From a Peasant to a Princess <BR>By: Kim Hood
Price: $8.95
Quantity in Basket: none

ISBN: 1-59824-321-7
Edition: Paperback, 83 Pages
Publication Date: August 14, 2006
An Orphan’s Guide to Healing, Restoration and Wholeness

Everyone has his own distinctive journey in life. Each journey is filled with unique challenges. Most children will find the support and encouragement they need for a successful journey from their birth parents. However, for millions of children who are orphans and even children in foster care, this love and support, although vital, is missing from their lives. These children are forced to face the circumstances of life feeling alone. These challenges coupled with an unstable home environment, abuse, and the lack of a trustworthy adult to love or care, will have a traumatic impact upon the child.

In this book, Kim offers encouragement and a ray of hope. Kim acknowledges and embraces the love of her heavenly father who has crowned her with love, self esteem, and a future, in spite of having lost her parents in her teenage years. You too will find the strength, comfort, and guidance that you will need for a successful journey through the Holy Spirit. This powerful book will encourage and empower you to know the love of your heavenly father. Soon, you will become keenly aware of your inheritance in God’s kingdom, and every covenant blessing that is simply yours for the asking.