Penal Servitude
By: Terry J. Aldridge

Penal Servitude <bR>By: Terry J. Aldridge
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $8.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-872-8
    Edition: Paperback, 95 Pages
    Publication Date: January 13, 2025
    Theophilus in Penal Servitude is about all the injustice, not just in Africa, but around the world. The story is fiction, but fiction often intertwines with reality. The character Theophilus is the third angel from my book Angels Charge Over Thee in which all three had their own assignments from God. The story of each angel’s next assignment is told in their own book: Maximos in The Night of the Blood Moon, Agathe in Evil Knows No Evil, and last but not least, Theophilus in Penal Servitude.