Opportunities, Obstacles, Overcomers
By: Dr. C. Randy White

Opportunities, Obstacles, Overcomers <bR>By: Dr. C. Randy White
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $14.95

    ISBN: 978-1-60862-811-7
    Edition: Paperback, 236 Pages
    Publication Date: March 30, 2021
    Opportunities come in various sizes. They can also be camouflaged. The individual must be awake, alert and aware in order to take full advantage of his opportunity or it will fall into a pile of rubble ready to be burned.

    Obstacles are often shunned due to one being weak or having a bad experience in the past. Some turn away when an obstacle appears thinking only of trouble when in reality obstacles are often meant to be building blocks. Perhaps this is why we fail to overcome. We are struggling with obstacles, they are real; however, there is overcoming power in the Spirit of Christ for those who will trust Him!